

The purpose of the Master Degree in Christian Counseling is to provide a thorough understanding of essential theoretical concepts in the area of Christian Counseling and their practical application in different scenarios. This is a unique program for students with a passion for solving problems and helping others. Students engage in rigorous academic coursework to include graduate-level research and analysis, both qualitative and quantitative in nature. In addition, students engage in activities that promote personal and spiritual development. The following are course requirements for the Program. Courses must be completed with a grade of C - or better in order to successfully complete the program.

MDT 405 The Pentateuch 3 Credits

Modern biblical criticism derives in large part from early attempts to resolve the numerous compositional and structural anomalies and discrepancies found in the Mosaic Pentateuch or ‘Five Books of Moses’; i.e., the ‘five books’ of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


MDT 406 Prophets I 3 Credits

This course surveys the history, literature, and theology of the prophetic corpus. It situates the prophets in their historical context by reading key sections of the historical books of the Old Testament (1-2 Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah)


MDT 407 Prophets II 3 Credits

This is an in-depth study of Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, Amos, and Hosea in their historical setting.


MDT 408 The Synoptic Gospel 3 Credits

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are the earliest surviving accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus. This course will provide a detailed examination of these texts, paying special attention to the distinctive portrait of Jesus that each gospel presents.


MDT 409 The Gospel of John 3 Credits

The course will introduce the students to current research and interpretation of the Gospel of John. You need to be ready to invest about ten hours of class work, research and study each week in order to work through the course requirements adequately.


MDT 410 The Letters of Paul 3 Credits

This introductory course focuses on the letters of Paul, key documents within the Christian Bible and Western philosophical thought, which were written in the context of the Roman Empire and diaspora Judaism in the ancient world and are still used today to debate ethical and political action.


MDT 411 The Epistles 3 Credits

Study of James, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude will uncover not only their particular merits but also their strikingly similar presentations of the theology of God, Christology, hamartiology, pistology, and eschatology.


MDC 601 Counseling Terminologies and Methodologies 3 Credits

This course is designed to provide counseling of individual and group approaches to Assessment and evaluation in a multicultural society. Comprehension and application of basic concepts of standardized and non-standardized testing and other assessment techniques, including norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessment, environmental assessment, performance assessment, inventory methods, psychological testing, and behavioral observations are examined.


MDC 602 Theoretical and Practical Application in Counseling 3 Credits

The Counseling Theories and Applications I course is designed to provide students with sufficient knowledge of the major theoretical systems of counseling and psychotherapy.


MDC 603 Biblical Counseling 3 Credits

Throughout this course, the student will be confronted with at least 13 foundational statements regarding biblical counseling. Each statement could be likened to a pillar that supports the structure and framework of counseling. These foundational principles form the basis of the methodology for biblical counseling. Without a biblical understanding of the nature of counseling that can accurately be called Scriptural, the counselor will be more apt to substitute the teaching of the Bible in the area of counseling with the world’s philosophies.


MDC 604 Pastoral and Behavioral Psychology 3 Credits

A course designed to consider the special issues associated with the theory, practice, and administration of counseling in pastoral contexts. Students will receive training for certification in the PREPARE-ENRICH and MBTI assessments, as well as the Strategic Pastoral Counseling model.


MDC 605 Age Group Counseling 3 Credits

An introduction to social and interpersonal influences on behavior, group dynamics, developmental stages of a group, and an overview of theoretical approaches to group counseling.


MDC 606 Adolescent Counseling 3 Credits

Examines the relevant counseling theories and techniques as they apply to children and adolescents. Includes interventions for children with emotional and behavioral disorders.


MDC 607 Family Therapy 3 Credits

This course will provide an examination of evaluation and intervention procedures of major models of family therapy. Emphasis on ethical issues for practitioners of family therapy.


MDC 608 Marriage Counseling 3 Credits

This course will introduce participants to selected therapy models which seek to reveal both “normal” (functional) and “abnormal” (dysfunctional) coupling patterns and generate a variety of intervention options useful in the assessment and treatment of couples-in-crisis who are experiencing various degrees of danger and opportunity.


MDC 609 Group Counseling 3 Credits

Concepts and skills are necessary to understand and lead counseling groups in schools and other settings.


MDC 610 Mediation and Conflict Resolution 3 Credits

Conflict is a part of our lives. The study of conflict and its resolution through negotiation is the goal of this course. This course will focus on the concepts and skills necessary to help you identify and resolve conflicts through negotiation.


MDC 611 Innovative Approaches to Counseling 3 Credits

This introductory counseling course is designed to provide students with an orientation to the field of counseling. It will familiarize students with the assumptions, theories, strategies, applications, and ethical and legal considerations related to development in counseling. Students will be introduced to the core requirements and multicultural competencies necessary to become a counselor, the various employment opportunities and settings in the counseling profession, and the roles and functions of counselors in these settings.


MDT 415 Eschatology 3 Credits

A study of eschatology, including various systems, history of chiliasm, major themes and problems in eschatology, the order of predicted events, and the rapture question.


MDE 701 History of Israel 3 Credits

A study of the history of Israel in light of the Old Testament books of Joshua through Esther. Emphasis will be on God’s activities and interventions into the affairs of mankind, as well as on how heroes of faith impacted their culture.


MDE 702 Wisdom Literature 3 Credits

A detailed examination of the books of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs.


Special Lecture 3 Credits


TOTAL: 66 Credits